Gwyn Owen born in Wales in 1951 has been involved in the construction industry for over 40 years, speaks Welsh, English and Spanish. He acts as International Arbitrator, Adjudicator and Mediator on major projects. He is past President of the global DRB Foundation and is listed on various arbitrator and adjudicator panels both in the UK and internationally, including FIDIC. He has published over 400 Awards and Decisions under ICC Court Rules and numerous other national and international procedural rules.
His experience in the construction industry includes projects in the fields of major heavy civil engineering works, power generation, dams, tunnels, oil and gas E&P works, and remote area contracting. He has worked in environmentally and politically sensitive areas including rainforests and flatlands. He specialises in contract law and interpretation, risk and planning and programming issues.
Published Work
Underground Concreting (1975), Project Management and the Control of Risk (1996), Official Translation of the Bolivian Law of Arbitration (1999), Arbitration in Latinamerica I (1999), Arbitration in Latinamerica II (2000), DRB Procedures Under FIDIC (2002) Chairman of draughting panel for UK ICE DRB/DAB Procedures (2005), Dispute Boards Procedures and Practice (2007)
International Experience
Abu Dhabi, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, El Salvador, Equitorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gibraltar, Honduras,
Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kosovo, Latinamerica, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Panamá, Perú, Philippines, Qatar, Romania,
Sri Lanka, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Trinidad, Venezuela, DR Congo (Zaire)
Al Mathews Award for Dispute Board Excellence + Brunel Tunnelling Prize + Bronze Award for contribution to Civil Engineering in Cape Province SA +
Arts & Business Wales: Philanthropy Award 2013